The 5th International Conference “A Sound Foundation through Early Amplification“ will be held in Chicago on November 8-10, 2010. Sponsored by Phonak, the leading manufacturer of innovative hearing systems, the conference is chaired by Prof. Richard Seewald and Prof. John Bamford. Speakers from among the world’s most distinguished pediatric audiological experts ensure that the conference offers an interesting mix of latest research insights and topics of clinical relevance.
瑞士峰力公司,作为听力保健领域技术革新的领导者,此次发起组织第五届国际儿童听力大会——“早期放大的声学原理” 将于2010年11月8-10日在美国芝加哥举行。会议将由著名的儿童听力学专家Richard Seewald教授和John Bamford主持。与会演讲人均是遍及世界各地的儿童听力学领域最具权威的专家,本次大会将会展现许多最新的学术研究视角和临床研究议题。
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